Pride Month, celebrating my LGBTQ+ friends

June 13, 2020

Even if we are living in the third millenium and our calendars mark already 2020 (apart from being a very unlucky year, duh), what we are facing lately is that there is still no real equity between people. Let it be because of the color of their skin, as we have witnessed in the past weeks in the cities of the US (it is always good to remember and repeat that Black Lives Matter!) or because of their sexual orientation. And it is all shocking.

I would have loved to find better words to describe what I think, but these phrases resume it very well. “Although attitudes and injustice still remain, we have come a long way since the riots of 1969 and by continuing in this long standing tradition we continue to raise awareness, improve the attitudes of society and encourage inclusiveness. Pride month apart being a month long celebration, is also an opportunity to peacefully protest and raise political awareness of current issues facing the community and show our love and support towards the community.” (credit)

Also, as I was waiting to publish this post, a great news came from the SCOTUS: in fact, in a 6 to 3 vote (ugh you 3!) “the Supreme Court ruled that gay and transgender people are protected against employment discrimination under exiting civil rights laws.” (read more here). For me, this is obvious. I feel lucky because I have been raised in a family with an open mind and I have been tought to look at the world with an openminded mind-set, sorry for the repetition. I went to all schools that had a huge variety of cultures and kids from all over the planet who I could learn from.

I truly do believe we are all the same and equal, all capable of and all deserving love. We all have the same duties, therefore we all shall have the same rights, too. Our sexual orientation – in this precise case since we are talking Pride Month, shall not be a reason to be pointed at, it shall not make anyone be discriminated against wether at your job, healthcare or else. So when these days I read about countries that finally legalize same-sex marriage, I feel incredibly happy that we are going towards a fairer world. I have always said for me we all can choose to love whoever we want, what really matters is kindness, care, well-being and Love. Isn’t that what realy matters?

Today I want to honor and thank all my gay and lesbian friends and couples who are clear examples of beautiful and pure love and who I had the privilege of capturing with my camera. I look forward to photographying many more awesome couples 😉


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LGBTQ, Pride Month, equal rights for all, SCOTUS, gay couple, lesbian couple, same sex couples, wedding photographer, same sex couple photographer, AmorVincitOmnia, Italy wedding photographer, italy elopement photographer, elopement photographer in italy

LGBTQ, Pride Month, equal rights for all, SCOTUS, gay couple, lesbian couple, same sex couples, wedding photographer, same sex couple photographer, AmorVincitOmnia, Italy wedding photographer, italy elopement photographer, elopement photographer in italy

LGBTQ, Pride Month, equal rights for all, SCOTUS, gay couple, lesbian couple, same sex couples, wedding photographer, same sex couple photographer, AmorVincitOmnia, Italy wedding photographer, italy elopement photographer, elopement photographer in italy

LGBTQ, Pride Month, equal rights for all, SCOTUS, gay couple, lesbian couple, same sex couples, wedding photographer, same sex couple photographer, AmorVincitOmnia, Italy wedding photographer, italy elopement photographer, elopement photographer in italy

LGBTQ, Pride Month, equal rights for all, SCOTUS, gay couple, lesbian couple, same sex couples, wedding photographer, same sex couple photographer, AmorVincitOmnia, Italy wedding photographer, italy elopement photographer, elopement photographer in italy

LGBTQ, Pride Month, equal rights for all, SCOTUS, gay couple, lesbian couple, same sex couples, wedding photographer, same sex couple photographer, AmorVincitOmnia, Italy wedding photographer, italy elopement photographer, elopement photographer in italy

LGBTQ, Pride Month, equal rights for all, SCOTUS, gay couple, lesbian couple, same sex couples, wedding photographer, same sex couple photographer, AmorVincitOmnia, Italy wedding photographer, italy elopement photographer, elopement photographer in italy

LGBTQ, Pride Month, equal rights for all, SCOTUS, gay couple, lesbian couple, same sex couples, wedding photographer, same sex couple photographer, AmorVincitOmnia, Italy wedding photographer, italy elopement photographer, elopement photographer in italy

LGBTQ, Pride Month, equal rights for all, SCOTUS, gay couple, lesbian couple, same sex couples, wedding photographer, same sex couple photographer, AmorVincitOmnia, Italy wedding photographer, italy elopement photographer, elopement photographer in italy

LGBTQ, Pride Month, equal rights for all, SCOTUS, gay couple, lesbian couple, same sex couples, wedding photographer, same sex couple photographer, AmorVincitOmnia, Italy wedding photographer, italy elopement photographer, elopement photographer in italy

Also, always remember something Adriana tells her lovely wife Karla every day:

LGBTQ, Pride Month, equal rights for all, SCOTUS, gay couple, lesbian couple, same sex couples, wedding photographer, same sex couple photographer, AmorVincitOmnia, Italy wedding photographer, italy elopement photographer, elopement photographer in italy

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Hi, I am so glad you scrolled through this blog post. Are you getting married, planning to elope or just want to go on an awesome couple’s photoshoot? Make sure to send me an email to inquire right now. I would love to add your date to my calendar. I am excited to be meeting you, in any part of the world.

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